Different Kinds Of Phobia
Fear of (A - L) | Phobia | Fear of (M - Z) | Phobia | |
accidents | dystychiphobia | machinery | mechanophobia | |
ageing | gerascophobia | madness | maniaphobia (see also insanity) | |
air sickness | aeronausiphobia | magic | rhabdophobia (see also beaten, being) | |
air (fresh), draughts | aerophobia (see also flying) | making changes or moving | trophophobia | |
alcohol | methyphobia | many things | polyphobia | |
alcohol (drinking) | dipsophobia | marriage | gamophobia | |
alone (being) or oneself or loneliness | autophobia | materialism | hylephobia (see also woods) | |
amphibians, such a frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, etc | batrachophobia | meat | carnophobia | |
amnesia | amnesiophobia | medicine (taking) | pharmacophobia | |
animals | zoophobia | memories | mnemophobia | |
animals (wild) | agrizoophobia | men | androphobia | |
angry (becoming) | angrophobia | meningitis | meningitophobia | |
animal skin, fur | doraphobia | menstruation | menophobia | |
ants | Pmyrmecophobia | mercuruial medicines | hydrargyophobia | |
asymmetrical things | asymmetriphobia | metal | metallophobia | |
ataxia | ataxiophobia | meteors | meteorophobia | |
atomic energy | nucleomitophobia | mice | musophobia | |
atomic explosions | atomosophobia | microbes | microbiophobia | |
attack | scelerophobia | mind | psychophobia | |
auroral lights | auroraphobia | mirrors | catoptrophobia | |
automobiles | motorphobia | missiles | ballistrophobia (see also bullets) | |
bad mens, burglars | scelerophibia | mites, ticks | acarophobia | |
bacteria | bacillophobia | mole rat (great) | zemmiphobia | |
bald (becoming) | phalacrophobia | money (touching) | chrematophobia | |
baldness | peladophobia | monsters (or giving birth to monster) | teratophobia | |
bathing | bathophobia (see also depth) | moon | selenophobia | |
beards | pogonophobia | mother-in-law | pentheraphobia | |
beaten (being) | rhabdophobia (see also magic) | moths | mottephobia | |
bed (going to) | clinophobia | motion or movement | kinesophobia | |
bees | apiphobia | motor vehicles | motophobia | |
beggars | hobophobia | mushroom (aversion to) | mycophobia | |
bearing a deformed child or deformed people | teratophobia | music | musicophobia | |
being evaluated negatively in social situations | social phobia | myths, stories and lying | mythophobia | |
bicycles | ornithophobia | name (a particular name or word) | onomatophobia | |
birds | melanophobia | narrowness | anginaphobia | |
black (colour) | scotomaphobia | needles | enetophobia | |
blindness in visual field | cyclophobia | needles, pins | belonephobia | |
blood | hemaphobia | |||
blushing | erythrophobia (see also red) | new things or ideas | cenophobia or centophobia | |
body odour | bromhidrosiphobia | night | noctiphobia | |
bogies or the bogeyman | bogyphobia | noise | acoustiphobia | |
Bolsheviks | Bolshephobia | nosebleeds | epistaxiophobia | |
books | bibliophobia | novelty, newness | cainophobia | |
bound (being) or tied up | merinthophobia | nuclear weapons | nucleomituphobia | |
bowel movements (painful) | defecaloesiophobia | |||
brain disease | meningitophobia | numbers | arithmophobia | |
bridges (crossing) | gephyrophobia | number 13 | triskaidekaphobia | |
buildings (high) | batophobia | objects (large) | megalophobia | |
bullets | ballistophobia (see also missiles) | objects (pointed) | aichmophobia | |
bulls | taurophobia | objects (sacred) | hierophobia | |
buried alive (being) | taphephobia | objects (small) | tapinophobia | |
cancer | carcinomophobia | objects (at the right side of the body) | dextrophobia | |
cats | ailurophobia | odour (one that has vile) | autodysomophobia | |
Celts, Celtic | Celtophobia | old (growing) | gerascophobia | |
cemeteries | coimetrophobia | old (people) | gerontophobia | |
certain places | topophobia (see also performing) | open spaces, crowded public places like markets, leaving a safe place | agoraphobia | |
challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation | heresyphobia or hereiophobia | opinions (others') | allodoxaphobia | |
changes | metathesiophobia | opposite sex | sexophobia | |
changes (making) | tropophobia | otters | lutraphobia | |
chemicals or working with chemicals | chemophobia | outer space | spacephobia | |
chickens | alektorophobia | overworking | ponophobia | |
childbirth or pregnancy | tocophobia | pain | algophobia | |
China, Chinese | Sinophobia | paper | papyrophobia | |
chins | geniophobia | parasites | parasitophobia | |
choking or of being smothered | pnigophobia | parents-in-law | soceraphobia | |
cholera | cholerophobia | peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth | arachibutyrophobia | |
clocks | chronomentrophobia | pellagra | pellagrophobia | |
clothes | vestiophobia | |||
clouds | nephophobia | |||
clowns | coulrophobia | people | anthropophobia (see also society) | |
church | ecclesiophobia | performing (stagefright) | topophobia (see also places (certain)) | |
coitus | coitophobia | persons with amputations | apotemnophobia | |
cold | cheimaphobia | philosophy, philosophers | philosophobia | |
colours | chromophobia | phobias | phobophobia | |
comets | cometophobia | physical injury | traumatophobia (see also war) | |
complex scientific or (Greek) terms | Hellenologophobia | pins, needles | belonephobia | |
computers | computerphobia | places (certain) | topophobia (see also performing) | |
constipation | coprostasophobia | places (steep) | cremnophobia | |
contagious (being) | tapinophobia | plants | botanophobia | |
cooking | mageirocophobia | pleasure | hedonophobia | |
cosmic | kosmikophobia | poetry | metrophobia | |
crossing streets | agiophobia | pointed objects | aichmophobia | |
crowded rooms | koinoniphobia | poison or of being accidently poisoned | toxiphobia | |
crowds | demophobia | poisons | iophobia (see also rust) | |
crucifixes or crosses | staurophobia | poliomyelitis (contracting) | poliosophobia | |
crystals or glass | crystallophobia | politicians or abnormal dislike | politicophobia | |
dampness, liquids or moisture | hygrophobia | pope | papaphobia | |
dancing | chorophobia | poverty | peniaphobia | |
darkness | nyctophobia | precipices | cremnophobia | |
dawn | eosophobia | progress | prosophobia | |
daylight | phengophobia | property | orthophobia | |
death, corpses | necrophobia | |||
decaying matter | septophobia | pseudo-rabies | kynophobia (see also rabies) | |
decisions (making) | decidophobia | punishment | poinephobia | |
defecation (painful) | defecalgesiophobia | purple | porphyrophobia | |
deformity | dysmorphophobia | rabies | hydrophobia (see also pseudo-rabies) | |
demons, goblins | bogyphobia | radiation, X-rays | radiophobia | |
dentists | dentophobia | railways | siderodromophobia | |
dependence on others | soteriophobia | rain | ombrophobia | |
depth | bathophobia (see also bathing) | |||
devils, evil spirits | demonophobia | red | erythrophobia (see also blushing) | |
diabetes | diabetophobia | relatives | syngenesophobia | |
dining, dinner conversation | deipnophobia | religious ceremonies | teletophobia | |
dirt, germs | mysophobia | reptiles or creepy, crawly things | herpetophobia | |
dirt (on oneself) | automysophobia | responsibility | hypengyophobia | |
disease | bisiogibua | ridicule | katagelophobia | |
disease (hereditary) | patriophobia | riding in vehicles | amaxophobia | |
disease, illness | pathophobia | right-hand side of the body (objects on) | dextrophobia | |
disease (particular) | monopathophobia | rivers or running water | potamophobia | |
disease (rectal or rectum) | proctophobia or rectophobia | robbers | harpaxophobia | |
disease (skin) | dermatosiophobia | rooms (empty) | kenophobia | |
dizziness or whirlpools | dinophobia | rooms (crowded) | koinoniphobia | |
doctors | iatrophobia | ruin or ruins | atephobia | |
dogs | cynophobia | Russia, Russian | Russophobia | |
dolls and children | pedophobia | rust | iophobia (see also poisons) | |
double vision | diplopiaphobia | sacred objects or priests | hierophobia | |
draughts, fresh air, air swallowing | aerophobia (see also flying) | saints | hagiophobia | |
draughts, winds | anemophobia | Satan | Satanophobia | |
dreams | oneirophobia | scabies | scabiophobia | |
dreams (wet) | oneirogmophobia | school (of going to) | didaskaleinophobia | |
drink (usually alcohol) | potophobia | scientific terms (complex) or Greek terms | Hellenologophobia | |
drugs | pharmacophobia | scratched (being) | amychophobia | |
drugs (new) | neopharmaphobia | sea | thalassophobia | |
dryness | xerophobia | spermatophobia | ||
dust | amathophobia | sermons | homilophobia | |
Dutch | dutchphobia | |||
duty or responsibility (neglect of) | paralipophobia | |||
electricity | electrophobia | |||
emetics, vomiting | emetophobia | |||
empty rooms/spaces or voids | kenophobia | |||
enclosed spaces | clithrophobia | shadows | sciophobia | |
England, English | Anglophobia | shellfish | ostraconophobia | |
everything | panophobia | shock | hormephobia | |
evil spirits, devils | demonophobia | sin | hamartophobia | |
excrement | coprophobia | single (staying) | anuptaphobia | |
eyes | ommatophobia | sitting down | thaasophobia | |
eyes (opening one's) | optophobia | sitting still | cathisophobia | |
skin lesions | dermatophobia | |||
fabrics (particular) | textophobia | skin disease | dermatosiophobia | |
failure or defeat | kakorrhaphiophobia | Slavs, Slavic | Slavophobia | |
fat (becoming) | obesophobia | sleep | somniphobia | |
fatigue | kopophobia | slime | blennophobia | |
fear | phobophobia | small objects | tapinophobia | |
feathers (tickled by) | pteronophobia | smells | olfactophobia | |
fecal matter | scatophobia | snakes | ophidiophobia | |
feces | coprophobia | snow | chionophobia | |
fever | pyrexiphobia | society or people in general | anthropophobia | |
figure 8 | octophobia | solitude | autophobia | |
filth | rhypophobia |
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