
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So true...!!

1 stone is enough to break a glass. 
1sentence is enough to break a heart. 
1sec is enough to fall in love. 

But y d hell 1chapter is not enough to pass in exam...??? 

A boy's eye is
Faster than Google in searching a
Beautiful girl in crowd...
A boy's heart is slower than
Governments bus while
Proposing a Girl whom he truly

"COLLEGE n SCHOOL are d nickname of HEAVEN"

Dats y it is said dat
"COUPLES r made in HEAVEN. 

My Teacher pointed at me with a Ruler & said: 
At the End of this Ruler is an Idiot I still don't get why I got rusticated. 
I only asked him, Which End Sir?

Professor: What's attention deficit hyperactive disorder? 
Student: jimbalakadi bamba. 
Professor: Sorry, I don't undrstnd what u said? 
Student: Same here sir! 

Father to son: why don't u just go and study?
Son: what for?
Father: U'll get good marks...
Son: then?
Father: U'll get good job.
......Son: then?
Father: U'll have big house, new car.
Son: so what after that?
Father: after that U'll relax.
Son: so what do u think I m doing right now??? 

Announcement in University:

"The students who have parked their cars on the driveway, please move them"

Another announcement after 20 minutes:

"The 200 students who went to move 9 cars please return to their respective classes" 

Ugly Truth:

In Bed,
It's 6AM,
You Close Your Eyes for 5 mins...
...& it's 7:45

But in Office,
It's 9:30am
You Close Your Eyes for 5 mins...
& It's Still 9:31

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