
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fire Drill !!!!

XYZ Office -> A fire alarm rang at 6 PM when almost all shift employees are in office (approx 5000). As usual entire office was evacuated within

3 mins & every employee gathered outside office. 10 mins passed...
















5 more mins passed.

Security Officer -> Announcement started, "Dear Employees - With melting heart I am making this announcement that for many of you it will be a last evacuation drill, as we are laying off almost 80% employee. While moving in who-so-ever ID card won't work are layed off & all their belongings will be couriered to them tomorrow. We followed this approach as we don't want to fill email box size with layoff mail in thousands & also to avoid any fight inside office". Hope you have nice career ahead.

Please move in & try your luck.

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